At St. Joseph's, we regularly encourage, support and engage with charities, both local to our community and also national ones. Jesus taught us to care for those in need and by raising money for charitable causes, we set a very real example for our St. Joseph's boys and girls of how to follow in Jesus' footsteps.
We also consider supporting charities as a valuable opportunity to show children that they matter and that they have the power to make a difference. Children have the chance to learn more about the world around them, and we hope that engaging children in giving behaviours early on will help them to develop 'habits' of giving that stay with them throughout their lives.
Within the Commando Joe RESPECT framework, empathy is promoted and we believe that supporting charities is rooted in the ideas of kindness and empathy, which are in turn the building blocks of social justice and democracy.
We are very lucky at St. Joseph's to have boys and girls who go above and beyond to support our school community. One particular superstar took it upon herself to do a sponsored litter pick around Rossington and raised a massive £110 for the Friends of St. Joseph's. She was awarded a Service to our Community certificate and is a living example of a St. Joseph's girl who puts empathy into action!
This year, children supported the Christmas Shoebox Appeal and filled shoeboxes with toys, personal care items, school supplies and fun gifts for children in need around the world.
Children came to school in their own clothes, raising a fantastic £158.05 for Children in Need. Thank you everyone for your kind donations.
Our Harvest appeal this year supported our local Doncaster food bank and children, as always, were very generous in bringing in food and goods which help our immediate community in need.
St. Joseph's supported the British Legion Poppy Appeal again this year by offering children the chance to buy a range of merchandise at breaktimes.