D&T - The study, design, development and evaluation of products.
Year 4
Taking inspiration from their class text, 'How To Train Your Dragon,' Year 4 decided to make mechanical flying dragons! They used different joining and fastening techniques, and they also created a turning mechanism so that the dragon could ultimately move. Well done, Year 4!
Year 4
Year 4
Immersed in their Viking topic, Year 4 weaved fabric today to make Viking braids using trollen wheels.
Year 5
In DT, Year 5 have been learning about Isambard Kingdom Brunel who was an English civil and mechanical engineer in The Victorian times. He is famous for his design and creation of the Clifton Suspension Bridge in Bristol. Year 5 have explored the four different types of bridges: beam, arch, suspension and cantilever. Here they are in bridge building action!
Year 3
Year 3 enjoyed making Roman sandals. They used a range of techniques to make these after initially designing them. Great job Year 3!