Welcome to our Early Years Foundation Stage.
We are very proud of our caring and nurturing environment that we offer to our children. Our unit is a place full of creativity and happiness and can offer both you and your child a wonderful start to life at St Joseph's.
We have two classes in our foundation stage; we have our Nursery Class and our Reception Class. Both classes have access to our spacious and stimulating outdoor area where lots of imaginative and exploratory play takes place.
EYFS Documents
Nursery's Gallery
Nursery have been winter explorers today. They have been spotting the signs of winter outside and exploring how the cold weather feels through touch. Inside, the children have been touching and feeling ice and seeing what happens when they hold the ice.
Nursery continued to learn about their topic by listening to the story ‘One Snowy Day’. They talked about what items they needed to keep warm, and they all enjoyed a cup of hot chocolate to keep warm. ☕️
Nursery children have been learning about hibernation this week and have had fun creating a hedgehog hotel for their outdoor area.