Curriculum Portfolio 2023-2024


Autumn Term 2023


 Autumn 2 2023

Year 3 Trip to Murton Park

Year 5 Trip to National Coal Mining Museum




Autumn 1 2023

Roald Dahl Day

EYFS Owl Experience

Y2 Trip to Potteric Carr

Y4 Trip to York

Y6 Trip to Eden Camp




Spring Term 2024


Spring 2 2024

Year 4 Trip to Magna 

Year 2 Trip to Eyam

Year 1 Trip to Austerfield Study Centre

Year 6 Trip to Crucial Crew


Spring 1  2023

 Reception Drama Workshop

Summer Term 2024


Summer 1 2024

Year 5 Trip to National Space Centre

Year 4 Trip to Creswell Crags

Reception Trip to White Post Farm


Summer 2 2024

Year 2 Trip to Lincoln Castle

Year 1 Trip to Ecclesall Woods

Year 6 Trip to Western Park Museum

Year 6 Retreat Day

Sports Day

Year 6 Leaver's Assembly 


Summer 2 2024

End of Year Celebration Assembly and Progress Cup Awards 2023/2024

We celebrated lots of winners in our end of year celebration assembly. Awards were given for dojo's - bronze, silver, gold and platinum, and highest dojos in school. We had awards for children who had completed the reading passport over the year, and we celebrated the children who had received 100% attendance. We also celebrated our Sports Day winners, and a child from each class was awarded the Progress Cup. What a lovely way to end the academic year celebrating everyone's achievements. Well done everyone!


Progress Cup Awards 2023/2024

Dojo Awards

Reading Passport certificates

100% Attendance Winners

Sports Day Winners


Year 6 Leaver's Assembly 

Our Year 6's performed a wonderful leaver's assembly for the whole school and their family members. They took us all on a journey through their time at St Joseph's as they remembered some lovely memories. We wish each and everyone of you good luck for your bright futures!

Sports Day

Our sports day began with a parade of the different countries which gave the teams a chance to showcase all their flags, banners, decorations and chants.

The teams then went on to enjoy a carousel of activities competing against each other for maximum points per activity. This included javelin, penalty shoot out, bean bag throw, obstacle course, hoop ball shoot and bat and ball balance.

Sports day concluded with track races. Members from each class took part in track races including obstacle race and sprinting, and whole classes took part in a relay race. Well done to all of the children for taking part in all sports activities and races.

Lastly, let's not forget our parent races. Thank you to all parents for taking part!

Our winners for this year was team Croatia!

Year 6 Trip to Western Park Museum

As part of Year 6’s ‘Tutankhamun and Ancient Eygypt’ topic, they went on an educational visit to Weston Park Museum. 

The children found out what life was like around 650BC in Britain before visiting the Ancient Egypt gallery. They participated in a mummification science experiment which they took back and continued in school. The children will also got to make a small artefact for Djedma'atiuesank.

Year 1 Trip to Ecclesall Woods 

 As part of their Science topic, Year 1 visited Ecclesall Woods to learn about seasonal change, mini beasts and plants. They enjoyed their day searching for mini beasts and identifying what plants they could find in their surroundings. They also made forest art. 

Year 2 Trip to Lincoln Castle

Year 2 visited Lincoln Castle as part of their history topic. They made shields, learnt about and experienced a medieval banquet, walked along the castle walls to learn about how they defended it, and they even found a dragon protecting it! They also learnt about knights and archers, and what armour they wore. Year 2 finished their day with an archery lesson. Well done Year 2!

Summer 1 2024

Reception Trip to White Post Farm

As part of their topic, Amazing Animals, Reception children visited White Post Farm. They took part in activities such as animal handling and animal feeding, and they were also able to enjoy the farm. 

Year 4 Trip to Creswell Crags

As part of their Stone Age to Iron Age unit, Year 4 visited Creswell Crags. They became Palaeontologists and discovered what animals had been found from the Stone Age at Creswell Crags. They looked at the bones of a hyena, a lion and a wolf. Year 4 explored a cave and learnt how the Stone Age people would have lived in them. They also learnt how to survive the Stone Age with spear hunting, how to make a fire and how to keep warm with animal furs and skins. 

Year 5 Trip to National Space Centre

As part of their Science curriculum, Year 5 visited the National Space Centre at Leicester. They were able to explore interactive galleries and experience the 360 Planetarium. They also took part in 2 workshops, Astronaut Education and It IS Rocket Science. 

Spring 2 2024

Year 6 Trip to Crucial Crew

At Crucial Crew, Year 6 took part in a range of different activities including road safety, fire safety, water safety, knife and hate crime, arson and child criminal exploitation. They also took part in a mock trial and got some top tips for travelling on Doncaster’s buses.

Year 1 Trip to Austerfield Study Centre

As part of the Year 1 Science curriculum, Year 1 went to Austerfield Study Centre to learn about plants, and to explore wild art. 

Year 2 Trip to Eyam 

This term, Year 2 have been learning about The Great Fire of London. At the end of their topic, they learn about the event that happened in London the year after the fire – The Plague. To help Year 2 with this topic they headed out to the lovely village of Eyam. This village was instrumental in insuring that The Plague did not spread past London, as when it arrived in their village they immediately quarantined themselves and stopped the spread of the disease into further villages.

Year 2 visited the Eyam Museum, walked through the village and visited the local church. They read all about key figures in Eyam, and what they did to stop the spread. 

Year 4 Trip to Magna

Year 4 visited Magna Science Museum to expand their learning of sound and electricity. They had a sound workshop where they used different equipment to make different sounds. They also explored how the pitch is altered and how water can change the pitch of a sound too. 

The children also learnt about circuits and their components during a circuits workshop. They had to make up a circuit using a battery, wires, light bulbs, switches and motors. This will be Y4’s next science unit, and their knowledge was very impressive.

Year 4 were also lucky enough to explore Magna's exhibitions of Earth, Water, Fire and Air. 

Spring 1 2024

Reception Drama Workshop



Autumn 2 2023

Year 5 Trip to National Coal Mining Museum

This term in Year 5 their topic is about the Victorians. As part of this, they will be learning about coal mining, considering how children were involved in doing this work at the time. They will also learn about coal mining in more detail as part of a study of local history. To deepen the children’s learning and understanding, they visited the National Coal Mining Museum.

Year 3 Trip to Murton Park

Year 3 visited Murton Park at York where they spent the day being Romans. 

Autumn 1 2023

Year 6 Trip to Eden Camp

The children in year 6 took a journey back in time and experienced what life was like in WW2.

Year 4 Trip to York

Year 4 went to York to visit the Jorvik Centre and Dig, to enhance their learning about The Vikings.

At the Jorvik Centre the children learnt about how the Viking's lived, and they travelled through a Viking village. The children stepped into the shoes of Archeologists at Dig and discovered artefacts from The Vikings and Medieval times. 

Year 2 trip to Potteric Carr

Year 2 visited Potteric Carr to explore the woodland in search of woodland creatures and mini beasts. They also listened to author and illustrator, Paul Morton, as he lead an activity and drawing session based on his books 'Bug Belly'.

EYFS Owl Experience

Our EYFS children had some little visitors - Owls! The children got to see 4 different types of owls and even some eggs. They learnt some really interesting facts about them too. All of the children had the chance to stroke them and some even held them! A big well done to all of the children for being so respectful and well behaved during the visit.

Roald Dahl Day

Curriculum Portfolio 2023-2024


Autumn Term 2023


 Autumn 2 2023

Year 3 Trip to Murton Park

Year 5 Trip to National Coal Mining Museum




Autumn 1 2023

Roald Dahl Day

EYFS Owl Experience

Y2 Trip to Potteric Carr

Y4 Trip to York

Y6 Trip to Eden Camp




Spring Term 2024


Spring 2 2024

Year 4 Trip to Magna 

Year 2 Trip to Eyam

Year 1 Trip to Austerfield Study Centre

Year 6 Trip to Crucial Crew


Spring 1  2023

 Reception Drama Workshop

Summer Term 2024


Summer 1 2024

Year 5 Trip to National Space Centre

Year 4 Trip to Creswell Crags

Reception Trip to White Post Farm


Summer 2 2024

Year 2 Trip to Lincoln Castle

Year 1 Trip to Ecclesall Woods

Year 6 Trip to Western Park Museum

Year 6 Retreat Day

Sports Day

Year 6 Leaver's Assembly 


Summer 2 2024

End of Year Celebration Assembly and Progress Cup Awards 2023/2024

We celebrated lots of winners in our end of year celebration assembly. Awards were given for dojo's - bronze, silver, gold and platinum, and highest dojos in school. We had awards for children who had completed the reading passport over the year, and we celebrated the children who had received 100% attendance. We also celebrated our Sports Day winners, and a child from each class was awarded the Progress Cup. What a lovely way to end the academic year celebrating everyone's achievements. Well done everyone!


Progress Cup Awards 2023/2024

Dojo Awards

Reading Passport certificates

100% Attendance Winners

Sports Day Winners


Year 6 Leaver's Assembly 

Our Year 6's performed a wonderful leaver's assembly for the whole school and their family members. They took us all on a journey through their time at St Joseph's as they remembered some lovely memories. We wish each and everyone of you good luck for your bright futures!

Sports Day

Our sports day began with a parade of the different countries which gave the teams a chance to showcase all their flags, banners, decorations and chants.

The teams then went on to enjoy a carousel of activities competing against each other for maximum points per activity. This included javelin, penalty shoot out, bean bag throw, obstacle course, hoop ball shoot and bat and ball balance.

Sports day concluded with track races. Members from each class took part in track races including obstacle race and sprinting, and whole classes took part in a relay race. Well done to all of the children for taking part in all sports activities and races.

Lastly, let's not forget our parent races. Thank you to all parents for taking part!

Our winners for this year was team Croatia!

Year 6 Trip to Western Park Museum

As part of Year 6’s ‘Tutankhamun and Ancient Eygypt’ topic, they went on an educational visit to Weston Park Museum. 

The children found out what life was like around 650BC in Britain before visiting the Ancient Egypt gallery. They participated in a mummification science experiment which they took back and continued in school. The children will also got to make a small artefact for Djedma'atiuesank.

Year 1 Trip to Ecclesall Woods 

 As part of their Science topic, Year 1 visited Ecclesall Woods to learn about seasonal change, mini beasts and plants. They enjoyed their day searching for mini beasts and identifying what plants they could find in their surroundings. They also made forest art. 

Year 2 Trip to Lincoln Castle

Year 2 visited Lincoln Castle as part of their history topic. They made shields, learnt about and experienced a medieval banquet, walked along the castle walls to learn about how they defended it, and they even found a dragon protecting it! They also learnt about knights and archers, and what armour they wore. Year 2 finished their day with an archery lesson. Well done Year 2!

Summer 1 2024

Reception Trip to White Post Farm

As part of their topic, Amazing Animals, Reception children visited White Post Farm. They took part in activities such as animal handling and animal feeding, and they were also able to enjoy the farm. 

Year 4 Trip to Creswell Crags

As part of their Stone Age to Iron Age unit, Year 4 visited Creswell Crags. They became Palaeontologists and discovered what animals had been found from the Stone Age at Creswell Crags. They looked at the bones of a hyena, a lion and a wolf. Year 4 explored a cave and learnt how the Stone Age people would have lived in them. They also learnt how to survive the Stone Age with spear hunting, how to make a fire and how to keep warm with animal furs and skins. 

Year 5 Trip to National Space Centre

As part of their Science curriculum, Year 5 visited the National Space Centre at Leicester. They were able to explore interactive galleries and experience the 360 Planetarium. They also took part in 2 workshops, Astronaut Education and It IS Rocket Science. 

Spring 2 2024

Year 6 Trip to Crucial Crew

At Crucial Crew, Year 6 took part in a range of different activities including road safety, fire safety, water safety, knife and hate crime, arson and child criminal exploitation. They also took part in a mock trial and got some top tips for travelling on Doncaster’s buses.

Year 1 Trip to Austerfield Study Centre

As part of the Year 1 Science curriculum, Year 1 went to Austerfield Study Centre to learn about plants, and to explore wild art. 

Year 2 Trip to Eyam 

This term, Year 2 have been learning about The Great Fire of London. At the end of their topic, they learn about the event that happened in London the year after the fire – The Plague. To help Year 2 with this topic they headed out to the lovely village of Eyam. This village was instrumental in insuring that The Plague did not spread past London, as when it arrived in their village they immediately quarantined themselves and stopped the spread of the disease into further villages.

Year 2 visited the Eyam Museum, walked through the village and visited the local church. They read all about key figures in Eyam, and what they did to stop the spread. 

Year 4 Trip to Magna

Year 4 visited Magna Science Museum to expand their learning of sound and electricity. They had a sound workshop where they used different equipment to make different sounds. They also explored how the pitch is altered and how water can change the pitch of a sound too. 

The children also learnt about circuits and their components during a circuits workshop. They had to make up a circuit using a battery, wires, light bulbs, switches and motors. This will be Y4’s next science unit, and their knowledge was very impressive.

Year 4 were also lucky enough to explore Magna's exhibitions of Earth, Water, Fire and Air. 

Spring 1 2024

Reception Drama Workshop



Autumn 2 2023

Year 5 Trip to National Coal Mining Museum

This term in Year 5 their topic is about the Victorians. As part of this, they will be learning about coal mining, considering how children were involved in doing this work at the time. They will also learn about coal mining in more detail as part of a study of local history. To deepen the children’s learning and understanding, they visited the National Coal Mining Museum.

Year 3 Trip to Murton Park

Year 3 visited Murton Park at York where they spent the day being Romans. 

Autumn 1 2023

Year 6 Trip to Eden Camp

The children in year 6 took a journey back in time and experienced what life was like in WW2.

Year 4 Trip to York

Year 4 went to York to visit the Jorvik Centre and Dig, to enhance their learning about The Vikings.

At the Jorvik Centre the children learnt about how the Viking's lived, and they travelled through a Viking village. The children stepped into the shoes of Archeologists at Dig and discovered artefacts from The Vikings and Medieval times. 

Year 2 trip to Potteric Carr

Year 2 visited Potteric Carr to explore the woodland in search of woodland creatures and mini beasts. They also listened to author and illustrator, Paul Morton, as he lead an activity and drawing session based on his books 'Bug Belly'.

EYFS Owl Experience

Our EYFS children had some little visitors - Owls! The children got to see 4 different types of owls and even some eggs. They learnt some really interesting facts about them too. All of the children had the chance to stroke them and some even held them! A big well done to all of the children for being so respectful and well behaved during the visit.

Roald Dahl Day

Curriculum Portfolio 2023-2024


Autumn Term 2023


 Autumn 2 2023

Year 3 Trip to Murton Park

Year 5 Trip to National Coal Mining Museum




Autumn 1 2023

Roald Dahl Day

EYFS Owl Experience

Y2 Trip to Potteric Carr

Y4 Trip to York

Y6 Trip to Eden Camp




Spring Term 2024


Spring 2 2024

Year 4 Trip to Magna 

Year 2 Trip to Eyam

Year 1 Trip to Austerfield Study Centre

Year 6 Trip to Crucial Crew


Spring 1  2023

 Reception Drama Workshop

Summer Term 2024


Summer 1 2024

Year 5 Trip to National Space Centre

Year 4 Trip to Creswell Crags

Reception Trip to White Post Farm


Summer 2 2024

Year 2 Trip to Lincoln Castle

Year 1 Trip to Ecclesall Woods

Year 6 Trip to Western Park Museum

Year 6 Retreat Day

Sports Day

Year 6 Leaver's Assembly 


Summer 2 2024

End of Year Celebration Assembly and Progress Cup Awards 2023/2024

We celebrated lots of winners in our end of year celebration assembly. Awards were given for dojo's - bronze, silver, gold and platinum, and highest dojos in school. We had awards for children who had completed the reading passport over the year, and we celebrated the children who had received 100% attendance. We also celebrated our Sports Day winners, and a child from each class was awarded the Progress Cup. What a lovely way to end the academic year celebrating everyone's achievements. Well done everyone!


Progress Cup Awards 2023/2024

Dojo Awards

Reading Passport certificates

100% Attendance Winners

Sports Day Winners


Year 6 Leaver's Assembly 

Our Year 6's performed a wonderful leaver's assembly for the whole school and their family members. They took us all on a journey through their time at St Joseph's as they remembered some lovely memories. We wish each and everyone of you good luck for your bright futures!

Sports Day

Our sports day began with a parade of the different countries which gave the teams a chance to showcase all their flags, banners, decorations and chants.

The teams then went on to enjoy a carousel of activities competing against each other for maximum points per activity. This included javelin, penalty shoot out, bean bag throw, obstacle course, hoop ball shoot and bat and ball balance.

Sports day concluded with track races. Members from each class took part in track races including obstacle race and sprinting, and whole classes took part in a relay race. Well done to all of the children for taking part in all sports activities and races.

Lastly, let's not forget our parent races. Thank you to all parents for taking part!

Our winners for this year was team Croatia!

Year 6 Trip to Western Park Museum

As part of Year 6’s ‘Tutankhamun and Ancient Eygypt’ topic, they went on an educational visit to Weston Park Museum. 

The children found out what life was like around 650BC in Britain before visiting the Ancient Egypt gallery. They participated in a mummification science experiment which they took back and continued in school. The children will also got to make a small artefact for Djedma'atiuesank.

Year 1 Trip to Ecclesall Woods 

 As part of their Science topic, Year 1 visited Ecclesall Woods to learn about seasonal change, mini beasts and plants. They enjoyed their day searching for mini beasts and identifying what plants they could find in their surroundings. They also made forest art. 

Year 2 Trip to Lincoln Castle

Year 2 visited Lincoln Castle as part of their history topic. They made shields, learnt about and experienced a medieval banquet, walked along the castle walls to learn about how they defended it, and they even found a dragon protecting it! They also learnt about knights and archers, and what armour they wore. Year 2 finished their day with an archery lesson. Well done Year 2!

Summer 1 2024

Reception Trip to White Post Farm

As part of their topic, Amazing Animals, Reception children visited White Post Farm. They took part in activities such as animal handling and animal feeding, and they were also able to enjoy the farm. 

Year 4 Trip to Creswell Crags

As part of their Stone Age to Iron Age unit, Year 4 visited Creswell Crags. They became Palaeontologists and discovered what animals had been found from the Stone Age at Creswell Crags. They looked at the bones of a hyena, a lion and a wolf. Year 4 explored a cave and learnt how the Stone Age people would have lived in them. They also learnt how to survive the Stone Age with spear hunting, how to make a fire and how to keep warm with animal furs and skins. 

Year 5 Trip to National Space Centre

As part of their Science curriculum, Year 5 visited the National Space Centre at Leicester. They were able to explore interactive galleries and experience the 360 Planetarium. They also took part in 2 workshops, Astronaut Education and It IS Rocket Science. 

Spring 2 2024

Year 6 Trip to Crucial Crew

At Crucial Crew, Year 6 took part in a range of different activities including road safety, fire safety, water safety, knife and hate crime, arson and child criminal exploitation. They also took part in a mock trial and got some top tips for travelling on Doncaster’s buses.

Year 1 Trip to Austerfield Study Centre

As part of the Year 1 Science curriculum, Year 1 went to Austerfield Study Centre to learn about plants, and to explore wild art. 

Year 2 Trip to Eyam 

This term, Year 2 have been learning about The Great Fire of London. At the end of their topic, they learn about the event that happened in London the year after the fire – The Plague. To help Year 2 with this topic they headed out to the lovely village of Eyam. This village was instrumental in insuring that The Plague did not spread past London, as when it arrived in their village they immediately quarantined themselves and stopped the spread of the disease into further villages.

Year 2 visited the Eyam Museum, walked through the village and visited the local church. They read all about key figures in Eyam, and what they did to stop the spread. 

Year 4 Trip to Magna

Year 4 visited Magna Science Museum to expand their learning of sound and electricity. They had a sound workshop where they used different equipment to make different sounds. They also explored how the pitch is altered and how water can change the pitch of a sound too. 

The children also learnt about circuits and their components during a circuits workshop. They had to make up a circuit using a battery, wires, light bulbs, switches and motors. This will be Y4’s next science unit, and their knowledge was very impressive.

Year 4 were also lucky enough to explore Magna's exhibitions of Earth, Water, Fire and Air. 

Spring 1 2024

Reception Drama Workshop



Autumn 2 2023

Year 5 Trip to National Coal Mining Museum

This term in Year 5 their topic is about the Victorians. As part of this, they will be learning about coal mining, considering how children were involved in doing this work at the time. They will also learn about coal mining in more detail as part of a study of local history. To deepen the children’s learning and understanding, they visited the National Coal Mining Museum.

Year 3 Trip to Murton Park

Year 3 visited Murton Park at York where they spent the day being Romans. 

Autumn 1 2023

Year 6 Trip to Eden Camp

The children in year 6 took a journey back in time and experienced what life was like in WW2.

Year 4 Trip to York

Year 4 went to York to visit the Jorvik Centre and Dig, to enhance their learning about The Vikings.

At the Jorvik Centre the children learnt about how the Viking's lived, and they travelled through a Viking village. The children stepped into the shoes of Archeologists at Dig and discovered artefacts from The Vikings and Medieval times. 

Year 2 trip to Potteric Carr

Year 2 visited Potteric Carr to explore the woodland in search of woodland creatures and mini beasts. They also listened to author and illustrator, Paul Morton, as he lead an activity and drawing session based on his books 'Bug Belly'.

EYFS Owl Experience

Our EYFS children had some little visitors - Owls! The children got to see 4 different types of owls and even some eggs. They learnt some really interesting facts about them too. All of the children had the chance to stroke them and some even held them! A big well done to all of the children for being so respectful and well behaved during the visit.

Roald Dahl Day

Curriculum Portfolio 2023-2024


Autumn Term 2023


 Autumn 2 2023

Year 3 Trip to Murton Park

Year 5 Trip to National Coal Mining Museum




Autumn 1 2023

Roald Dahl Day

EYFS Owl Experience

Y2 Trip to Potteric Carr

Y4 Trip to York

Y6 Trip to Eden Camp




Spring Term 2024


Spring 2 2024

Year 4 Trip to Magna 

Year 2 Trip to Eyam

Year 1 Trip to Austerfield Study Centre

Year 6 Trip to Crucial Crew


Spring 1  2023

 Reception Drama Workshop

Summer Term 2024


Summer 1 2024

Year 5 Trip to National Space Centre

Year 4 Trip to Creswell Crags

Reception Trip to White Post Farm


Summer 2 2024

Year 2 Trip to Lincoln Castle

Year 1 Trip to Ecclesall Woods

Year 6 Trip to Western Park Museum

Year 6 Retreat Day

Sports Day

Year 6 Leaver's Assembly 


Summer 2 2024

End of Year Celebration Assembly and Progress Cup Awards 2023/2024

We celebrated lots of winners in our end of year celebration assembly. Awards were given for dojo's - bronze, silver, gold and platinum, and highest dojos in school. We had awards for children who had completed the reading passport over the year, and we celebrated the children who had received 100% attendance. We also celebrated our Sports Day winners, and a child from each class was awarded the Progress Cup. What a lovely way to end the academic year celebrating everyone's achievements. Well done everyone!


Progress Cup Awards 2023/2024

Dojo Awards

Reading Passport certificates

100% Attendance Winners

Sports Day Winners


Year 6 Leaver's Assembly 

Our Year 6's performed a wonderful leaver's assembly for the whole school and their family members. They took us all on a journey through their time at St Joseph's as they remembered some lovely memories. We wish each and everyone of you good luck for your bright futures!

Sports Day

Our sports day began with a parade of the different countries which gave the teams a chance to showcase all their flags, banners, decorations and chants.

The teams then went on to enjoy a carousel of activities competing against each other for maximum points per activity. This included javelin, penalty shoot out, bean bag throw, obstacle course, hoop ball shoot and bat and ball balance.

Sports day concluded with track races. Members from each class took part in track races including obstacle race and sprinting, and whole classes took part in a relay race. Well done to all of the children for taking part in all sports activities and races.

Lastly, let's not forget our parent races. Thank you to all parents for taking part!

Our winners for this year was team Croatia!

Year 6 Trip to Western Park Museum

As part of Year 6’s ‘Tutankhamun and Ancient Eygypt’ topic, they went on an educational visit to Weston Park Museum. 

The children found out what life was like around 650BC in Britain before visiting the Ancient Egypt gallery. They participated in a mummification science experiment which they took back and continued in school. The children will also got to make a small artefact for Djedma'atiuesank.

Year 1 Trip to Ecclesall Woods 

 As part of their Science topic, Year 1 visited Ecclesall Woods to learn about seasonal change, mini beasts and plants. They enjoyed their day searching for mini beasts and identifying what plants they could find in their surroundings. They also made forest art. 

Year 2 Trip to Lincoln Castle

Year 2 visited Lincoln Castle as part of their history topic. They made shields, learnt about and experienced a medieval banquet, walked along the castle walls to learn about how they defended it, and they even found a dragon protecting it! They also learnt about knights and archers, and what armour they wore. Year 2 finished their day with an archery lesson. Well done Year 2!

Summer 1 2024

Reception Trip to White Post Farm

As part of their topic, Amazing Animals, Reception children visited White Post Farm. They took part in activities such as animal handling and animal feeding, and they were also able to enjoy the farm. 

Year 4 Trip to Creswell Crags

As part of their Stone Age to Iron Age unit, Year 4 visited Creswell Crags. They became Palaeontologists and discovered what animals had been found from the Stone Age at Creswell Crags. They looked at the bones of a hyena, a lion and a wolf. Year 4 explored a cave and learnt how the Stone Age people would have lived in them. They also learnt how to survive the Stone Age with spear hunting, how to make a fire and how to keep warm with animal furs and skins. 

Year 5 Trip to National Space Centre

As part of their Science curriculum, Year 5 visited the National Space Centre at Leicester. They were able to explore interactive galleries and experience the 360 Planetarium. They also took part in 2 workshops, Astronaut Education and It IS Rocket Science. 

Spring 2 2024

Year 6 Trip to Crucial Crew

At Crucial Crew, Year 6 took part in a range of different activities including road safety, fire safety, water safety, knife and hate crime, arson and child criminal exploitation. They also took part in a mock trial and got some top tips for travelling on Doncaster’s buses.

Year 1 Trip to Austerfield Study Centre

As part of the Year 1 Science curriculum, Year 1 went to Austerfield Study Centre to learn about plants, and to explore wild art. 

Year 2 Trip to Eyam 

This term, Year 2 have been learning about The Great Fire of London. At the end of their topic, they learn about the event that happened in London the year after the fire – The Plague. To help Year 2 with this topic they headed out to the lovely village of Eyam. This village was instrumental in insuring that The Plague did not spread past London, as when it arrived in their village they immediately quarantined themselves and stopped the spread of the disease into further villages.

Year 2 visited the Eyam Museum, walked through the village and visited the local church. They read all about key figures in Eyam, and what they did to stop the spread. 

Year 4 Trip to Magna

Year 4 visited Magna Science Museum to expand their learning of sound and electricity. They had a sound workshop where they used different equipment to make different sounds. They also explored how the pitch is altered and how water can change the pitch of a sound too. 

The children also learnt about circuits and their components during a circuits workshop. They had to make up a circuit using a battery, wires, light bulbs, switches and motors. This will be Y4’s next science unit, and their knowledge was very impressive.

Year 4 were also lucky enough to explore Magna's exhibitions of Earth, Water, Fire and Air. 

Spring 1 2024

Reception Drama Workshop



Autumn 2 2023

Year 5 Trip to National Coal Mining Museum

This term in Year 5 their topic is about the Victorians. As part of this, they will be learning about coal mining, considering how children were involved in doing this work at the time. They will also learn about coal mining in more detail as part of a study of local history. To deepen the children’s learning and understanding, they visited the National Coal Mining Museum.

Year 3 Trip to Murton Park

Year 3 visited Murton Park at York where they spent the day being Romans. 

Autumn 1 2023

Year 6 Trip to Eden Camp

The children in year 6 took a journey back in time and experienced what life was like in WW2.

Year 4 Trip to York

Year 4 went to York to visit the Jorvik Centre and Dig, to enhance their learning about The Vikings.

At the Jorvik Centre the children learnt about how the Viking's lived, and they travelled through a Viking village. The children stepped into the shoes of Archeologists at Dig and discovered artefacts from The Vikings and Medieval times. 

Year 2 trip to Potteric Carr

Year 2 visited Potteric Carr to explore the woodland in search of woodland creatures and mini beasts. They also listened to author and illustrator, Paul Morton, as he lead an activity and drawing session based on his books 'Bug Belly'.

EYFS Owl Experience

Our EYFS children had some little visitors - Owls! The children got to see 4 different types of owls and even some eggs. They learnt some really interesting facts about them too. All of the children had the chance to stroke them and some even held them! A big well done to all of the children for being so respectful and well behaved during the visit.

Roald Dahl Day