
3 I'S Statement

Our School Definition Computing:

The activity of using computers and writing programs for them.

Intent Statement - Computing 

At St Joseph’s, we are computing pioneers! We want our children to understand the power of technology and start to build computing skills for the future. We want them to be able to use technology to support other areas of their work and lives. We also want the children to use technology effectively, responsibly and safely. 

Our National Centre for Computing Education scheme provides opportunities for inspiring the next generation of software engineers, video game designers, media creators, web developers and IT consultants. 

At St Joseph’s, our Computing curriculum strives to develop resilient, reflective and independent learners whilst also preparing them for the demands of the 21st century and the digital world that awaits them. As well as the huge potential of technology, we teach our children to understand the challenges and issues it can create. We teach them to become good digital citizens, to know how to stay safe online and emphasise that what they share and view creates their own digital footprint. In addition to teaching units linked to our scheme of work, we also cover specific theme days and weeks throughout the year. Please see our curriculum portfolio for examples of our theme days. 


Implementation Statement - Computing 

At St Joseph’s, we follow the National Centre for Computing Education scheme of work which has six different units that are the followed in year groups 1-6: 

  • Computing Systems and Networks 
  • Creating Media A 
  • Programming A 
  • Data and Information 
  • Creating Media B 
  • Programming B 

With the units being structured the same across every year group, following the same unit headings, it allows for progression to be clear across all classes. The tasks provided are set to build on prior knowledge from the previous year, develop the use of subject specific vocabulary, make links to the wider life of the school environment and challenge pupils in their computing knowledge.  

  • Across the six Computing units, elements of Digital Literacy, Coding and E-Safety are weaved into lessons. 
  • Children complete computing lessons once a week, and a full computing unit is taught every half term.  
  • Teachers use assessment for learning (AFL) at the start and end of every computing lesson to assess the children’s computing knowledge and their confidence with their application of skills within the lesson. Prior knowledge is assessed at the start of the lesson by teachers asking the children three questions based on subject specific knowledge that will support them in their lesson. Teachers use this as a tool to assess what the children already know and what they remember from previous years and lessons. Three questions are also given to the pupils at end of lessons to consolidate their learning.  
  • Children have access to iPads and laptops to support all areas of the curriculum such as maths and reading.  
  • To support teaching, staff have access to all planning on the National Centre for Computing Education site. This links to the STEM website, allowing for a greater range of resources and planning. 
  • All classes have ongoing assessments at the end of each lesson to track and monitor each child's understanding. Our KS2 termly assessments allow us to track pupil progress and their understanding in a more formal way. We use our assessments to inform future teaching and learning. 
  • The role of parents is recognised, and they are involved in understanding how to keep their children safe at home through regular Class Dojo updates and the Safer Schools App. 
  • We encourage our children to use ICT equipment and resources at home. St Joseph's staff actively look for opportunities to develop ICT resources in and out of school to offer our children the very best opportunities to develop computing skills. 


Impact Statement - Computing 

Staff ensure that skills progress and are consolidated from those that have been attained in previous years. This happens through our three questions at the start and end of every lesson. The scheme demonstrates this progression of skills over the key stages. We measure the impact of our curriculum through pupil discussions and interviewing the pupils about their learning through pupil voice, monitoring with our subject computing lead and through book, website and photographic evidence. 

By the time they leave St Joseph's, children will be confident users of technology, able to use it to accomplish a wide variety of goals, both at home and in school. Children will become critical thinkers that can solve problems. They will be responsible, respectful and safe users of data, information and communication technology. Children will be able to apply the British Values of democracy, tolerance, mutual respect, rule of law and liberty when using digital systems. 

Many parents engage with the school’s Class Dojo App and the school website to keep up-to-date with developments that are happening in school. Families at our school use technology responsibly, in line with the school’s acceptable use policies.