Class 2 2023/2024



Class Teacher: Mrs Robinson                     Teaching Assistant: Mrs Bell 

Year 2 Reading Passport



Over the summer, each class teacher has been compiling a list of 20 books to read by the end of the year. These books are a mix of different texts, authors and text types. These can be read by the children, or read to them depending on your child's reading stage. 

Children will be coming home with their own reading passport. This will show the 20 books for your child to read by the end of their class year. Over the year, the children will have the opportunity to read these books at home, and then you can sign the passport when the books have been read at home. All of the books that are on the passport are available from each class reading area, though you may have some copies at home. 

After a book has been read and signed by an adult, a stamp or a sticker will be added to the passport in class to show that that book has been read. Once your child has read all of their books for the year, they will receive a certificate, a prize and their name will go onto our school Wall of Fame display. 

We hope that this will help to encourage the children of St Joseph's to develop their love of reading for pleasure, and to help them to find new authors, text types and books that will spark their interest. 

Happy Reading!


Class Newsletter Summer Term (2) 2024


Yesterday, we had our last outdoor PE session. To finish our topic on athletics we got out the javelins and practiced throwing them. We then had a competition to see who could throw it the furthest. Well done all of Year 2, we have some amazing sportsperson’s in our class. You are certainly ones to be watching out for, at future Olympic Games.



We have had the best morning as we transitioned to Year 3, we enjoyed lots of fun activities with Mr Storey and a tasty treat from the tuck shop at break time.

In our final RE lesson of this unit, we’ve been thinking about God’s rule for us- love one another as I have loved you. 

We have thought about who we love and how we can let the love of Jesus fill our hearts. Some lovely, creative RE work this afternoon Year 2.

In English this morning, the children have started our new unit… a recount of our trip to Lincoln Castle. This morning, we have been looking at pictures (and videos) to organise them into the right order, using time adverbials to help with our sequence. 

Great work Year 2 


Year 2 have been learning the basics of reading music and playing percussion instruments with control


In Science today, we tested the properties of different materials by throwing eggs wrapped in paper, in fabric and in plastic (bubble wrap) from the classroom window! Our prediction was right in that Humpty wrapped in paper survived the test, as did Humpty wrapped in bubble wrap. Sadly, Humpty wrapped in fabric did not do so well


Creative Dance 
The class did an amazing job this afternoon in our street dance lesson. The children were able to demonstrate lots of different types of movements and even did some freestyle dancing at the end! Great job everyone!

Lincoln Castle trip 

Class Newsletter - Summer Term (1) 2024


The children LOVED composing music as they drew pictures in our Computing lesson today. They were so creative and delighted to experiment with the program. We’ve had a great afternoon! Thank you Year 2 (Mrs Bancroft).

We’ve had loads of fun in the sun playing basketball this afternoon. The children’s skills are improving massively- I was super impressed!!
There’s definitely some basketball/ netball stars in this class….


In Computing last week, the children finished their unit on Pictograms by using data to make a block graph. They have done really well in this unit and have learnt so much.


In Music last week, we learnt three notes on the recorder and played ‘Hot Cross Buns’. It sounded great! We also learnt to sing a round. Well done Year 2! (Mrs Bancroft)


Class Newsletter - Spring Term (2) 2024


Spring Term 2024 - What we have been up to so far....

Well done to the children who beat their score in big maths.



We have managed to escape London, and now we need to build some shelter for our family to stay in. We had to use the materials provided to plan, build and evaluate our shelter, changing our design as needed. 

Some great teamwork, communication and resilience skills shown this afternoon.

Well done Year 2.


Year two had some brilliant costumes for World book day!

We had loads of fun using the iPads to take photos of different geographical features that we can spot from our school field.
We then used PicCollage to present our pictures of our features for our Topic books.

Class Newsletter - Spring Term 2024


Spring Term 2024 - What we have been up to so far....

During PE the children were going to the Ugly Bug ball. They had to move around the hall like different kinds of bugs. They also managed to walk to the hall like a centipede. The children were fantastic, keep up the good work.



This afternoon children in year 2 took part in a music lesson. They pretended to be in a rock band and moved their arms and bodies to the different instruments they could hear. They enjoyed being rock musicians

We have started our new English unit which is a setting description about the school in ‘The Worst Witch’ by Jill Murphy.
We read the first page in the story and thought about what the school might look like, drawing this using the description given in the book.

We also used the title and blurb to write a prediction about what might happen in the book… let’s see if our predictions are correct.


Our new RE topic is all about ‘Books’. We have been learning today about how we use books to find out facts, information and to learn about stories. We have spent some time in the library this afternoon looking at different books, sharing them with friends and finding out about lots of facts and information.

We have loved looking at stories about football, science, birds, our world and many many more.

A lovely start to our RE unit. Well done Year 2.

In Science today, the children were learning about life processes as they began a new topic - Living Things and Their Habitats. They enjoyed sorting items into ‘living’, ‘dead’ or ‘never alive’. We had some good discussions about where to sort wood and paper, but no trouble sorting where Jonah should stand! Good thinking, Year 2

Class newsletter - Autumn term 2023


Topic homework - Autumn term 2023


Autumn Term - What we have been up to so far....

After a visit from Santa and a lovely Christmas dinner, children then enjoyed their Christmas party. They danced and sang and we played some games. We finished the afternoon with a film and party food.


This afternoon, we have been learning about the Advent Wreath and what each part of the wreath represents.

Ask at home to see if the children can remember…


This week in Science, we have learnt that plants need water, light and warmth to grow and stay healthy. The children made beautiful posters to share their knowledge. There are some super artists and scientists in the class! (Mrs Bancroft)


In Maths yesterday, the children were learning to add two 2-digit numbers together, exchanging ten ones for one ten. They did this practically, and, today, they will begin to do this as a calculation. Well done Year 2! Great Maths


Well done to the children who beat their score in big maths this week

This afternoon, we have been learning more about our school mission statement. We have been drawing pictures of ourselves showing the light of Jesus Christ around us as we achieve our full potential.

Some lovely thoughtful pictures this afternoon, well done Year 2 

In Geography, we have been learning about how to draw a map with a key. We have drawn a map of a Native American village using a key to represent the longhouse, coast, farmland and woodland.

Some great map work, Year 2, well done

We have taken our sketches and turned them into our very own artwork, recreating a portrait of Pocahontas.

We’ve all worked really hard and our final pieces are looking amazing. I will be making a display showcasing our incredible artwork.

Well done Year 2

We had a fantastic time on our class trip yesterday, the class were amazing and enjoyed every second (though a few said their favourite part was lunch.

Here are a few examples of our fantastic artwork of Pocahontas. All the class tried so hard with their art and I’m super impressed!!

We’ve got some great budding artists in Year 2

Class Chaplains - Autumn Term (1) 

Congratulations to our new class chaplains. The class voted for who they thought would be good role-models, leaders and representatives for our class.

Well done


We have had a wonderful first day in Year 2. For our first RE lesson, we have read the story ‘The magic moment’.
This is a story about a boy who is very excited for a new beginning, but he gets nervous and wants to give up. He learnt, from his Nana, the magic moment technique and the poem above.
Now, he’s much happier, less worried and joins in with his new swimming lessons happily!

We have been thinking about our own magic moments to help us if we feel worries, anxious or nervous. We drew a picture of the magic moment and added it to our class jar which will sit on our prayer table all year to help us remember the magic.

A great start to Year 2, well done everyone


Class 2 2023/2024



Class Teacher: Mrs Robinson                     Teaching Assistant: Mrs Bell 

Year 2 Reading Passport



Over the summer, each class teacher has been compiling a list of 20 books to read by the end of the year. These books are a mix of different texts, authors and text types. These can be read by the children, or read to them depending on your child's reading stage. 

Children will be coming home with their own reading passport. This will show the 20 books for your child to read by the end of their class year. Over the year, the children will have the opportunity to read these books at home, and then you can sign the passport when the books have been read at home. All of the books that are on the passport are available from each class reading area, though you may have some copies at home. 

After a book has been read and signed by an adult, a stamp or a sticker will be added to the passport in class to show that that book has been read. Once your child has read all of their books for the year, they will receive a certificate, a prize and their name will go onto our school Wall of Fame display. 

We hope that this will help to encourage the children of St Joseph's to develop their love of reading for pleasure, and to help them to find new authors, text types and books that will spark their interest. 

Happy Reading!


Class Newsletter Summer Term (2) 2024


Yesterday, we had our last outdoor PE session. To finish our topic on athletics we got out the javelins and practiced throwing them. We then had a competition to see who could throw it the furthest. Well done all of Year 2, we have some amazing sportsperson’s in our class. You are certainly ones to be watching out for, at future Olympic Games.



We have had the best morning as we transitioned to Year 3, we enjoyed lots of fun activities with Mr Storey and a tasty treat from the tuck shop at break time.

In our final RE lesson of this unit, we’ve been thinking about God’s rule for us- love one another as I have loved you. 

We have thought about who we love and how we can let the love of Jesus fill our hearts. Some lovely, creative RE work this afternoon Year 2.

In English this morning, the children have started our new unit… a recount of our trip to Lincoln Castle. This morning, we have been looking at pictures (and videos) to organise them into the right order, using time adverbials to help with our sequence. 

Great work Year 2 


Year 2 have been learning the basics of reading music and playing percussion instruments with control


In Science today, we tested the properties of different materials by throwing eggs wrapped in paper, in fabric and in plastic (bubble wrap) from the classroom window! Our prediction was right in that Humpty wrapped in paper survived the test, as did Humpty wrapped in bubble wrap. Sadly, Humpty wrapped in fabric did not do so well


Creative Dance 
The class did an amazing job this afternoon in our street dance lesson. The children were able to demonstrate lots of different types of movements and even did some freestyle dancing at the end! Great job everyone!

Lincoln Castle trip 

Class Newsletter - Summer Term (1) 2024


The children LOVED composing music as they drew pictures in our Computing lesson today. They were so creative and delighted to experiment with the program. We’ve had a great afternoon! Thank you Year 2 (Mrs Bancroft).

We’ve had loads of fun in the sun playing basketball this afternoon. The children’s skills are improving massively- I was super impressed!!
There’s definitely some basketball/ netball stars in this class….


In Computing last week, the children finished their unit on Pictograms by using data to make a block graph. They have done really well in this unit and have learnt so much.


In Music last week, we learnt three notes on the recorder and played ‘Hot Cross Buns’. It sounded great! We also learnt to sing a round. Well done Year 2! (Mrs Bancroft)


Class Newsletter - Spring Term (2) 2024


Spring Term 2024 - What we have been up to so far....

Well done to the children who beat their score in big maths.



We have managed to escape London, and now we need to build some shelter for our family to stay in. We had to use the materials provided to plan, build and evaluate our shelter, changing our design as needed. 

Some great teamwork, communication and resilience skills shown this afternoon.

Well done Year 2.


Year two had some brilliant costumes for World book day!

We had loads of fun using the iPads to take photos of different geographical features that we can spot from our school field.
We then used PicCollage to present our pictures of our features for our Topic books.

Class Newsletter - Spring Term 2024


Spring Term 2024 - What we have been up to so far....

During PE the children were going to the Ugly Bug ball. They had to move around the hall like different kinds of bugs. They also managed to walk to the hall like a centipede. The children were fantastic, keep up the good work.



This afternoon children in year 2 took part in a music lesson. They pretended to be in a rock band and moved their arms and bodies to the different instruments they could hear. They enjoyed being rock musicians

We have started our new English unit which is a setting description about the school in ‘The Worst Witch’ by Jill Murphy.
We read the first page in the story and thought about what the school might look like, drawing this using the description given in the book.

We also used the title and blurb to write a prediction about what might happen in the book… let’s see if our predictions are correct.


Our new RE topic is all about ‘Books’. We have been learning today about how we use books to find out facts, information and to learn about stories. We have spent some time in the library this afternoon looking at different books, sharing them with friends and finding out about lots of facts and information.

We have loved looking at stories about football, science, birds, our world and many many more.

A lovely start to our RE unit. Well done Year 2.

In Science today, the children were learning about life processes as they began a new topic - Living Things and Their Habitats. They enjoyed sorting items into ‘living’, ‘dead’ or ‘never alive’. We had some good discussions about where to sort wood and paper, but no trouble sorting where Jonah should stand! Good thinking, Year 2

Class newsletter - Autumn term 2023


Topic homework - Autumn term 2023


Autumn Term - What we have been up to so far....

After a visit from Santa and a lovely Christmas dinner, children then enjoyed their Christmas party. They danced and sang and we played some games. We finished the afternoon with a film and party food.


This afternoon, we have been learning about the Advent Wreath and what each part of the wreath represents.

Ask at home to see if the children can remember…


This week in Science, we have learnt that plants need water, light and warmth to grow and stay healthy. The children made beautiful posters to share their knowledge. There are some super artists and scientists in the class! (Mrs Bancroft)


In Maths yesterday, the children were learning to add two 2-digit numbers together, exchanging ten ones for one ten. They did this practically, and, today, they will begin to do this as a calculation. Well done Year 2! Great Maths


Well done to the children who beat their score in big maths this week

This afternoon, we have been learning more about our school mission statement. We have been drawing pictures of ourselves showing the light of Jesus Christ around us as we achieve our full potential.

Some lovely thoughtful pictures this afternoon, well done Year 2 

In Geography, we have been learning about how to draw a map with a key. We have drawn a map of a Native American village using a key to represent the longhouse, coast, farmland and woodland.

Some great map work, Year 2, well done

We have taken our sketches and turned them into our very own artwork, recreating a portrait of Pocahontas.

We’ve all worked really hard and our final pieces are looking amazing. I will be making a display showcasing our incredible artwork.

Well done Year 2

We had a fantastic time on our class trip yesterday, the class were amazing and enjoyed every second (though a few said their favourite part was lunch.

Here are a few examples of our fantastic artwork of Pocahontas. All the class tried so hard with their art and I’m super impressed!!

We’ve got some great budding artists in Year 2

Class Chaplains - Autumn Term (1) 

Congratulations to our new class chaplains. The class voted for who they thought would be good role-models, leaders and representatives for our class.

Well done


We have had a wonderful first day in Year 2. For our first RE lesson, we have read the story ‘The magic moment’.
This is a story about a boy who is very excited for a new beginning, but he gets nervous and wants to give up. He learnt, from his Nana, the magic moment technique and the poem above.
Now, he’s much happier, less worried and joins in with his new swimming lessons happily!

We have been thinking about our own magic moments to help us if we feel worries, anxious or nervous. We drew a picture of the magic moment and added it to our class jar which will sit on our prayer table all year to help us remember the magic.

A great start to Year 2, well done everyone
