Class Teacher: Miss Jones                Teaching Assistant: Mrs Wild



Over the summer, each class teacher has been compiling a list of 20 books to read by the end of the year. These books are a mix of different texts, authors and text types. These can be read by the children, or read to them depending on your child's reading stage. 

Children will be coming home with their own reading passport. This will show the 20 books for your child to read by the end of their class year. Over the year, the children will have the opportunity to read these books at home, and then you can sign the passport when the books have been read at home. All of the books that are on the passport are available from each class reading area, though you may have some copies at home. 

After a book has been read and signed by an adult, a stamp or a sticker will be added to the passport in class to show that that book has been read. Once your child has read all of their books for the year, they will receive a certificate, a prize and their name will go onto our school Wall of Fame display. 

We hope that this will help to encourage the children of St Joseph's to develop their love of reading for pleasure, and to help them to find new authors, text types and books that will spark their interest. 

Happy Reading!


Class Newsletter Summer Term (2) 2024


Today we went down to Reception to read them our latest big write! We have written our own twist on Goldilocks and the 3 Bears. All the children loved it


In Picture News this week, we looked at the theme of friendship. We took inspiration from Taylor Swift and her fans who make friendship bracelets for her Eras Tour, and make friendship bracelets to share in school!


We had lots of fun in science this week as we started our new topic all about forces! We explored how we get different objects to move and practiced using pull and push forces

Keira Salak boat - Topic Homework 
Well done to all the children who made boats for their topic homework. They were all fantastic! We tested them out in the water to make sure they worked and I’m pleased to report they all were successful

Class Newsletter - Summer Term (1) 2024


We did such an amazing job with our water movement sketches yesterday. We loved experimenting with different pencil types and techniques to help us!

1 hour and 15 minutes of dancing complete! Well done year 3, you really have some amazing dance moves.

A massive thank you for all your effort fundraising for our upcoming school trip, we raised a total of £938.95 from our dance-a-thon!


What a busy first week back! Lots of fun this week including a practical maths lesson on fractions to teamwork in Commando Joe. Well done everyone for your hard work and have a lovely weekend.


Yesterday in science we started our investigation on what plants need to grow! In groups, we planted seeds and each of us will give our plants different things. Some will not give them water, some will not give them light and some will not give it fresh air. We will monitor these over the next few weeks to see the results.


Class Newsletter - Spring Term (2) 2024


Class Newsletter - Spring Term 2024


Spring Term 2023 - What we have been up to so far.....

We all got 8 or more in our spellings this week! Well done Year 3 


We’ve had a lovely mass with Father John this afternoon,celebrating the start of Lent. Big thank you to the parents who joined us and to the children who did the readings.


The children have loved our science lesson today all about shadows. We learnt what a shadow is and investigated what materials make shadows. Some of us made shadow puppet shows and some even used their hands to make shadows. Huge well done year 3!


What a busy Friday! We’ve spent the day making models of the layers of the rainforest. Children worked in groups of four to research, plan and make a model of the forest floor, understory, canopy and emergent layers. They have done amazing!





Commando Joe 


Class Newsletter - Autumn Term 2023


Topic Homework - Autumn Term (1) 2023


Autumn Term 2023 - What we have ben up to so far.....

We had a super special visitor today!

Advent Liturgy 2023

Christmas party day for Year 3!

We had a great day yesterday making Roman sandals. Some of us even managed to wear them!


Well done to all those children who did some amazing topic homework! I loved seeing people’s animations and hearing all your facts about Roman gods. Here are our Roman shields


The children practised the days of the week in French today by writing each day on a link and putting them together. They have also learnt this song. I’m sure your child would love to sing along! 
(Mrs Bancroft)






We had so much fun making our Roman pancakes yesterday!


What a busy day we’ve had! We’ve been working hard to design and make Roman style mosaics and had so much fun doing it. Well done Year 3!


We had a fantastic week last week! Lots of teamwork skills in our Commando Joe session and hard work when completing some tricky maths. We also learnt lots more about the Romans including their invasion of Britain and Hadrians Wall. Here’s to another fun week

During our PE lesson today we did a boot camp session. The children had lots of different exercises to complete to help improve their stamina. We also talked about what happens to our bodies during exercise. They were amazing and were able to complete each of the stations. Well done year 3.

Huge well done to these two who have read over 15,000 words each on Reading Plus! Children have got logins for this so they can practice their reading and climb up the leaderboard at home


Also a big well done to those children who have read more than 5 books at home this year and have started to climb our reading ladder! When children read at home (whether this be a school reading book or another book from home) and parents sign in their reading diaries to say they have done so, children can start to climb up. 

Also a reminder that children can read books from their year 3 reading passport. These books are available in school or if you have copies at home these can be read too. Once they have read one of the books, they can bring their passport to myself in school for it to be signed off. This will also count towards the reading ladder.

Happy reading!


Well done to this weeks super spellers who got 10/10 on their spelling tests

This week in our Commando Joe session we’ve been trying to defeat the Roman soldiers. We had to escape Rome by trying to not get caught when running across. Thank you Commando Tom for another fun session!!