Class 4 2022/2023



Class Teachers: Miss Tomlinson                  Teaching Assistant: Mrs Norburn & Mrs Makin

Class Newsletter - Summer Term 2023


Topic Homework - Summer Term (2) 2023


Year 4 Reading Passport



Over the summer, each class teacher has been compiling a list of 20 books to read by the end of the year. These books are a mix of different texts, authors and text types. These can be read by the children, or read to them depending on your child's reading stage. 

Children will be coming home with their own reading passport. This will show the 20 books for your child to read by the end of their class year. Over the year, the children will have the opportunity to read these books at home, and then you can sign the passport when the books have been read at home. All of the books that are on the passport are available from each class reading area, though you may have some copies at home. 

After a book has been read and signed by an adult, a stamp or a sticker will be added to the passport in class to show that that book has been read. Once your child has read all of their books for the year, they will receive a certificate, a prize and their name will go onto our school Wall of Fame display. 

We hope that this will help to encourage the children of St Joseph's to develop their love of reading for pleasure, and to help them to find new authors, text types and books that will spark their interest. 

Happy Reading!


What we have been up to so far.....

Interfaith Fortnight: Bollywood Dance workshop

Year 4 had so much fun taking part in the dance workshop this morning.
A fabulous effort from everyone


Geography - 21.6.23

Year 4 had a wonderful time outside today collecting evidence for their fieldwork enquiry


Doncaster Storytelling Festival - zoom event


Commando Joe: Mission 5 - 19.6.23

Year 4 worked incredibly hard in their teams today to think of ways to build their bridges to get to the other side safely.

Their teamwork and communication skills were excellent


We have some AMAZING artists in Year 4!

Year 4 had lots of fun at the Doncaster Story Telling event at Cast. 

They met a fantastic author who discussed his passion for writing and his thought process behind his books


Our World, Our Future workshop


Commando Joe


Topic Homework Summer Term (1) 2023


What we have been up to so far.....

Basketball - Summer Term (1) 2023
Year 4 were working hard during their basketball lesson with Doncaster Eagles’ Coach Matthew!

Science - Summer Term (1) 2023

Our science investigation was all about electrical conductors and insulators. We looked at a range of different materials to see whether they conducted or insulated electricity.


Topic Homework - Spring Term (2) 2023


Class Newsletter - Spring Term (1) 2023


Commando Joe - Spring Term (2) 2023


Science - Spring Term (2) 2023

Today, we made simple circuits to test whether our predictions were correct that we made last lesson. 

Y4 were able to reason well as to why certain circuits wouldn’t light the light bulb


Topic Homework - Spring Term (1) 2023


HISTORY - Spring Term (1) 2023

Our new topic is all about Amelia Earhart. Year 4 have created a fact file page all about Amelia and her life.

Here are some of the super examples that Y4 created

DT - Spring Term (1) 2023

Groups 1 and 2 working incredibly hard today! I can’t wait to see what you add to your work in the next session!

Thank you to all the family members that came to support during the sessions, it is greatly appreciated, and I know the children loved having you there.

Topic Homework - Autumn Term (2) 2022 


Y4 Advent Liturgy - 12.12.22

I am so proud of each and every one of you for retelling the story of Mary so beautifully for the start of the third week of advent.

Thank you for putting in so much effort towards learning your lines - they were read very well and remembered superbly!

Topic homework - 12.12.22 

The girls created two word searches for their topic homework, and we set two year 4s to challenge one another!

The winner won the beautiful picture! Well done to our winner ⭐️

Thank you for a super challenge girls 


Genesis 1:25-28
God said, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground.”

We responded to the word by considering ways we can make a difference to our world and our global food system. We thought of ways we could offer support and raise awareness.

Here is Year 4 ‘stepping up to the plate’

COMPUTING - 8.12.22

Today, year 4 completed their ‘Hour of Code’ task.

We went onto to access a Star Wars themed program. We had to follow the algorithm carefully to complete the task. However, there were bugs along the way, and we had to carefully correct them.

The children had a wonderful time coding, and the site has lots of free coding activities to complete at home too! 


English - 7.12.22

Year 4 hard at work with their setting description editing.


Commando Joe - mission 7 - 5.12.22

Y4 used excellent teamwork, communication, resilience and empathy skills today during their session with Commando Pete!

Well done Year 4 


Class Newsletter - Autumn Term (1) 2022


Topic Homework - Autumn Term (1) 2022 


What we have been up to so far.....

Autumn term (1) 2022 

Commando Joe - Mission 2



British Values - Democracy



In science, we are learning all about the states of matter.

This lesson, we were describing the properties within solids, liquids and gases.

We worked together in groups to represent the particles. We thought carefully about how they are structured and how they move.


Commando Joe - Mission 1

The children thoroughly enjoyed their first Commando Joe mission where they had to work together in their Viking longboats across the sea!

Great teamwork Year 4
