Class Teacher: Miss Tomlinson Teaching Assistant: Mrs Taylor
Year 4 Reading Passport
Over the summer, each class teacher has been compiling a list of 20 books to read by the end of the year. These books are a mix of different texts, authors and text types. These can be read by the children, or read to them depending on your child's reading stage.
Children will be coming home with their own reading passport. This will show the 20 books for your child to read by the end of their class year. Over the year, the children will have the opportunity to read these books at home, and then you can sign the passport when the books have been read at home. All of the books that are on the passport are available from each class reading area, though you may have some copies at home.
After a book has been read and signed by an adult, a stamp or a sticker will be added to the passport in class to show that that book has been read. Once your child has read all of their books for the year, they will receive a certificate, a prize and their name will go onto our school Wall of Fame display.
We hope that this will help to encourage the children of St Joseph's to develop their love of reading for pleasure, and to help them to find new authors, text types and books that will spark their interest.
Happy Reading!
Topic Newsletter Summer Term (2) 2024
We then used biscuits to create our Stonehenge model. We had to test to see if the structure was secure or not, especially if it was windy. We blew on the biscuits, and a few biscuits stayed up but lots fell down!
We decided that for it to stick together we needed…. icing sugar!!
Clarinet performance
Year 4 have been fabulous this morning on their bikes - what a fun morning!
They began with slow races to ensure they had good control of their bikes and speed. They then took part in fast races to ensure they had proper use of their breaks. Afterwards, they took part in obstacle course races where they rode in and out of cones and around them. Y4 had to use all skills for this: speed, control and breaks. The Bike Shack team also serviced the children’s own bikes ensuring breaks worked properly, tires were pumped up and seats and handle bars adjusted.
Well done Year 4 for a wonderful morning
Science investigation
Today, we set up a fair test in science based on our question ‘Do all liquids evaporate the same?’
We have set up a range of different liquids of the same amount. We’ve used water, cow’s milk, oat milk, fairy liquid, cooking oil and apple juice. We have used 3x pipettes full of each liquid so that the test is fair, and we’ve placed all of the pots on the same window sill in the sun.
Topic Newsletter - Summer Term (1) 2024
Science: Melting chocolate investigations
Class Newsletter - Spring Term (2) 2024
Spring Term (2) What we have been up to so far....
Year 4’s liturgy performance pictures
Today in science, we investigated a range of materials to see which blocked the most sound from a sound source.
We had to listen carefully as some materials only made a small difference!
We had lots of fun having a silent boogie to the song as it played as well
Well done to the children who got 50/60 or above on their 7 times table test yesterday!
Picture News
Computing - 11.3.24
During computing, we created algorithms for our screen turtle
Computing - 5.4.24
Today, we began our new unit in computing all about programming. We had to give accurate instructions to our turtle on the screen in order for it to follow. We then began to draw shapes with our turtle, and we even wrote some numbers
Science - 5.3.24
During our science unit we have been looking into the pitch and volume of a sound. During our lesson today, we explored different volumes by using musical instruments. We played the instruments with more and less energy to create bigger and smaller vibrations, resulting in louder and quieter sounds.
This afternoon, Year 4 were joined by Father John for a wonderful class Mass.
Thank you to the family members that came to join, and a big well done for the children who read during the Mass
Commando Joe - Mission 6 - 4.3.24
Year 4 had great teamwork and communication skills this morning when being guided through the obstacle course blindfolded with only one member of the team being able to see. Clear instructions had to be given in order for everyone to compete the mission safely.
Well done Year 4
Science 26.2.24
Class Newsletter - Spring Term 2024
Spring Term 2024 - What we have been up to so far....
What wonderful artists we have in Year 4
Year 4 had lots of fun during their Commando Joe mission this week!
The children began by looking at all the materials and equipment we would be using to see how they thought they could each be used!
Then, the groups drew their dragon and cut out each section. They then worked hard to decorate their dragon. We had some wonderful themes: the elements, space and fire!
Commando Joe - Amelia Earhart - Session 1
Year 4 did a wonderful job today during Commando Joe. They began learning a little about their new focus character for topic: Amelia Earhart.
Commando Tom explained to the children how women in the 1920s, when Amelia was a young adult, had different rights to men, and they were treated differently. Y4 took part in a number of different games split into teams of boys vs girls. Initially, the girls had it more challenging with increasing obstacles in their way. Each round, we made it more fair so that it was an even playing field… and the girls won that round
Class Newsletter - Autumn Term 2023
Topic Homework - Autumn Term 2023
Autumn Term 2023 - What we have been up to so far....
Class Teacher: Miss Tomlinson Teaching Assistant: Mrs Taylor
Year 4 Reading Passport
Over the summer, each class teacher has been compiling a list of 20 books to read by the end of the year. These books are a mix of different texts, authors and text types. These can be read by the children, or read to them depending on your child's reading stage.
Children will be coming home with their own reading passport. This will show the 20 books for your child to read by the end of their class year. Over the year, the children will have the opportunity to read these books at home, and then you can sign the passport when the books have been read at home. All of the books that are on the passport are available from each class reading area, though you may have some copies at home.
After a book has been read and signed by an adult, a stamp or a sticker will be added to the passport in class to show that that book has been read. Once your child has read all of their books for the year, they will receive a certificate, a prize and their name will go onto our school Wall of Fame display.
We hope that this will help to encourage the children of St Joseph's to develop their love of reading for pleasure, and to help them to find new authors, text types and books that will spark their interest.
Happy Reading!
Topic Newsletter Summer Term (2) 2024
We then used biscuits to create our Stonehenge model. We had to test to see if the structure was secure or not, especially if it was windy. We blew on the biscuits, and a few biscuits stayed up but lots fell down!
We decided that for it to stick together we needed…. icing sugar!!
Clarinet performance
Year 4 have been fabulous this morning on their bikes - what a fun morning!
They began with slow races to ensure they had good control of their bikes and speed. They then took part in fast races to ensure they had proper use of their breaks. Afterwards, they took part in obstacle course races where they rode in and out of cones and around them. Y4 had to use all skills for this: speed, control and breaks. The Bike Shack team also serviced the children’s own bikes ensuring breaks worked properly, tires were pumped up and seats and handle bars adjusted.
Well done Year 4 for a wonderful morning
Science investigation
Today, we set up a fair test in science based on our question ‘Do all liquids evaporate the same?’
We have set up a range of different liquids of the same amount. We’ve used water, cow’s milk, oat milk, fairy liquid, cooking oil and apple juice. We have used 3x pipettes full of each liquid so that the test is fair, and we’ve placed all of the pots on the same window sill in the sun.
Topic Newsletter - Summer Term (1) 2024
Science: Melting chocolate investigations
Class Newsletter - Spring Term (2) 2024
Spring Term (2) What we have been up to so far....
Year 4’s liturgy performance pictures
Today in science, we investigated a range of materials to see which blocked the most sound from a sound source.
We had to listen carefully as some materials only made a small difference!
We had lots of fun having a silent boogie to the song as it played as well
Well done to the children who got 50/60 or above on their 7 times table test yesterday!
Picture News
Computing - 11.3.24
During computing, we created algorithms for our screen turtle
Computing - 5.4.24
Today, we began our new unit in computing all about programming. We had to give accurate instructions to our turtle on the screen in order for it to follow. We then began to draw shapes with our turtle, and we even wrote some numbers
Science - 5.3.24
During our science unit we have been looking into the pitch and volume of a sound. During our lesson today, we explored different volumes by using musical instruments. We played the instruments with more and less energy to create bigger and smaller vibrations, resulting in louder and quieter sounds.
This afternoon, Year 4 were joined by Father John for a wonderful class Mass.
Thank you to the family members that came to join, and a big well done for the children who read during the Mass
Commando Joe - Mission 6 - 4.3.24
Year 4 had great teamwork and communication skills this morning when being guided through the obstacle course blindfolded with only one member of the team being able to see. Clear instructions had to be given in order for everyone to compete the mission safely.
Well done Year 4
Science 26.2.24
Class Newsletter - Spring Term 2024
Spring Term 2024 - What we have been up to so far....
What wonderful artists we have in Year 4
Year 4 had lots of fun during their Commando Joe mission this week!
The children began by looking at all the materials and equipment we would be using to see how they thought they could each be used!
Then, the groups drew their dragon and cut out each section. They then worked hard to decorate their dragon. We had some wonderful themes: the elements, space and fire!
Commando Joe - Amelia Earhart - Session 1
Year 4 did a wonderful job today during Commando Joe. They began learning a little about their new focus character for topic: Amelia Earhart.
Commando Tom explained to the children how women in the 1920s, when Amelia was a young adult, had different rights to men, and they were treated differently. Y4 took part in a number of different games split into teams of boys vs girls. Initially, the girls had it more challenging with increasing obstacles in their way. Each round, we made it more fair so that it was an even playing field… and the girls won that round
Class Newsletter - Autumn Term 2023
Topic Homework - Autumn Term 2023
Autumn Term 2023 - What we have been up to so far....