Reception 2023/2024


Class Teacher: Miss Wilmott Teaching Assistant: Mrs Overton

Reception Reading Passport



Over the summer, each class teacher has been compiling a list of 20 books to read by the end of the year. These books are a mix of different texts, authors and text types. These can be read by the children, or read to them depending on your child's reading stage. 

Children will be coming home with their own reading passport. This will show the 20 books for your child to read by the end of their class year. Over the year, the children will have the opportunity to read these books at home, and then you can sign the passport when the books have been read at home. All of the books that are on the passport are available from each class reading area, though you may have some copies at home. 

After a book has been read and signed by an adult, a stamp or a sticker will be added to the passport in class to show that that book has been read. Once your child has read all of their books for the year, they will receive a certificate, a prize and their name will go onto our school Wall of Fame display. 

We hope that this will help to encourage the children of St Joseph's to develop their love of reading for pleasure, and to help them to find new authors, text types and books that will spark their interest. 

Happy Reading!


Class Newsletter - Summer Term (2) 2024


This morning Reception have loved their transition to Year One. They had some carpet time and then absolutely loved being so grown up sitting at their tables. They did lots of crafty activities, but their favourite part of their morning was having a morning break with the rest of the school.


Todays Commando Joe mission on Eddie Empathy


Jelly investigation

Today, we have made jelly! We spoke about solids, liquids and gases and how they can change state when they are heated or cooled. 
We used the instruction cards to help us know how to make the jelly. We started off with a solid (jelly) melted it in the hot water to become a liquid and then we are cooling it to go back to a solid. We have used different moulds to see what shapes we can make and predicted if we think the jelly will hold the shape.

We may get to taste our experiment later on today.


Class Newsletter - Summer Term (1) 2024


We have a few very exciting additions in our classroom!
We have eggs and caterpillars! We are so excited to watch these each day and see the transformations they will make! 
We are learning all about their life cycles and using some amazing vocabulary to describe what is happening.

Class Newsletter - Spring Term (2) 2024

During Commando Joe today the children thought about the value of teamwork. They had to work together to get in to the correct coloured hoops before their time was up. If there were any children in the wrong colour hoop, they had to help them find the correct colour. The children were fabulous and managed to successfully get all of the children in to the correct colour. Well done Reception you were superstars.

This afternoon, in our RSHE lesson we have been talking about ‘my body, my rules’. We know that privates are private! We have talked about our special people who we should talk to if we’re feeling worried about anything. We listened to the song ‘Pantasaurus’ by NSPCC, which we loved! I’m sure a few of you might have this sang to you tonight!

Over the last few days we have been enjoying lots of digging outside. We are starting to prepare our planting area ready to do some planting in a few weeks. A big thank you to all the children that have been helping to sort our outside area. Super helpers!! 

We are loving our seed investigation this morning. We have been talking about the different fruit and vegetables and the seeds. We have discovered they are all different sizes! Some of us have ordered them from smallest to biggest. Keep up the super investigation reception! 

Today, we have all gone outside looking for signs of spring. We know that we are leaving winter and coming into spring very soon. We found some flowers that were starting to bloom and each did an observational drawing of the flowers. We tried really hard to talk about what we could see in full sentences, this will help us with our writing this week!

Class Newsletter - Spring Term 2024

Spring Term 2024 - What we have been up to so far....

This afternoon, we have played a super fun phonics game outside. We had to read the word, match it to the correct sounds and then put it on the stick. We tried to be as quick as possible, so we had to help our friends. Super team work Reception! 

This morning, we have been looking at the different materials the Three Little Pigs used. We tried to manipulate the materials in different ways, like bending or stretching them. Then, we used different objects and decided which ones the Big Bad Wolf would be able to blow away. Some objects were too heavy and some were much lighter and blew right over the table!
Super work this morning Reception!

This week, we are reading The Three Little Pigs. Today, we read the story and talked about the Big Bad Wolf. We made some sentences like “The wolf is mean” “The wolf is terrifying”.
Then, we created our own three houses, using straw, stick and bricks.

Ask at home, what is the best material for a house? Why?

During Commando Joe today the children had to help Elliott Excellence look after his grandma. The children had to take some medicine to grandma by walking and balancing on the rope and the putting
the medicine in grandma’s house. The children did fantastic balancing and helped grandma get better. Well done reception.

Class Newsletter - Autumn Term 2023

Topic Homework - Autumn Term 2023

Autumn Term 2023 - What we have been up to so far....

Christmas dinner

We have had a super special visitor today…

Christmas has landed in reception!

We have loved looking at our big Christmas tree and at the decorations Buddy (our elf) has put up in our classroom! Today, we’ve dressed our very own tree and coloured our own elves. I’ve seen some lovely writing about the elves and some very creative names. 

Let’s all hope Buddy stays a nice elf in our classroom. 

Yesterday, we had sooo much fun baking cupcakes! We all had a go either mixing, pouring, measuring or icing the cakes. Then, we got to try them! Some of us chose to have a cherry on top, just like in the story Kipper’s birthday.
Well done reception, I think we’re ready to be on the next Bake Off


We’ve been learning all about birthdays over the past week and how they are celebrated. We’ve had birthday parties in the home corner, cake themed maths, built 3D cakes and role played baking cakes (ready for the real thing this week). I’ve heard beautiful singing, seen fantastic writing in birthday cards and super work measuring and mixing.

Keep up the great work reception! 

Todays Commando Joe session.
I am so impressed with how hard the class have worked in Commando Joe, their team work skills have really shone.

This week, we have been learning all about bonfire night and writing sounds we hear fireworks make. Such as, “pop, bang, fizzle”. 

This morning, we have explored different instruments and thought about which ones sound like fireworks. 
“The drums make a bang just like fireworks” “the tambourine makes a fizzle sound”. 
We then took the instruments outside to carry on our exploration. 


This week, we have been learning all about bonfire night and writing sounds we hear fireworks make. Such as, “pop, bang, fizzle”. 

This morning, we have explored different instruments and thought about which ones sound like fireworks. 
“The drums make a bang just like fireworks” “the tambourine makes a fizzle sound”. 
We then took the instruments outside to carry on our exploration. 

Today, the children had their first Commando Joe session.
These sessions will support child development through the RESPECT ethos (Resilience, Empathy, Self-awareness, Positivity, Excellence, Communication and Teamwork). This will be developed through a series of ‘missions’. 
I am so pleased to say how fantastically the whole class worked in the first session. Commando Tom was so impressed with their behaviour and willingness to learn. A HUGE well done reception

Today in RHSE, we have recognised how are bodies are good and made by God. 
We know that our bodies are incredible gifts from God. They let us do lots of things and should be taken care of. 
We used our labelling skills to label parts of our body. Some children heard the initial sound and some tried to spell the whole word! 
You did a fantastic job reception and your handwriting is looking AMAZING!

Today, we have used fruit to create repeating patterns! We have loved learning about repeating patterns and have done such a super job. Once we made our patterns, we got to eat them too.

Yesterday, we made repeating patterns by printing with peppers and potatoes.
The whole class did such an amazing job! Well done reception

Yesterday in RHSE, we looked at how the children are uniquely created by God and how special they are because they are made and loved by him!
We talked about what makes us special and different.

For our job, we used our hand/fingerprints to create some artwork on positive affirmation sheets. We know that all our handprints are unique to us.

This week we have started reading the Colour Monster. The children have been creating some fantastic feeling jars in the craft area, used our maths skills from last week by sorting the objects into jars, monster themed threading and so much more!

This week we have started reading Funny Bones. We have been singing the bones song as a class - you can find it on YouTube if you search ‘Funny bones song’, enjoy! We have been talking about our skeletons and what bones we have. 
Check out some of the fantastic work we have been doing already! I am so impressed.