Spring Term - Samuel Pepys
In Commando Joe, Year 2 really tested their communication skills. They had to communicate to their team members, but they were not allowed to use their voices! This was a very tricky challenge for our wonderful Year 2's!
Children are safe from the flames, having fled to the River Thames. Unfortunately, they have been left homeless with only the possessions they managed to pack. Their only option is to build a shelter. It needs to be fireproof, as embers are still burning throughout the town, and large enough for the whole team. This was hard, but Year 2 didn't give up, demonstrating excellent resilience!
Autumn Term - Pocahontas
This Commando Joe mission was all about making choices. Pocahontas wanted people in her tribe and the English to learn more about each other. Today, children were learning how to communicate with the Pawhatan so they could be translators between both camps. We developed our self-awareness, thinking closely about how to communicate with others.
As part of their Topic, children have learnt that Pocahontas cooked, built, harvested crops, cleaned and collected firewood to maintain the tribe's village. In today's mission, children were Pocahontas, harvesting crops on the nearby farmland and transporting these back to the village to prepare. They worked hard in teams to complete this challenge.